Tuesday, October 26, 2010

WOO HOO!!!!!

Ok so I know that I have been awful about updating but I hope that within the next month or so it will have been worth it. I am just posting to announce that I have made it to the second round of my program selection!! This is a BIG DEAL!!!! They only take 10 every year and I am just one step closer!! I still have lots to do but I feel much better now! So for now I am gonna keep studying my brains out and hope that its all good enough....I promise for more updates soon....Promise!!!!
Cross your fingers, toes, eyes, and anything else that can be crossed!!! :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Come What may and LOVE IT!!!!

SO I have struggled with this statement lately. It has always brought be great comfort in the past, but for some reason this past month has posed a bit of a challenge for me. I have been in a physics class for the past month and it has just short of killed me! I hated every minute of it and I could not wait to get out of there.
However, today after I finished my final and realized that there is a really good possibility that i could not pass this stupid class!!! If I do not pass....I have to take it again!!!! This is just about the worst punishment I could think of!!! Especially since i would have to take it with 4 other very difficult classes!!!
Ok deep breath.....
Anyways, I am trying to relax after a whole month of being a crazy stressball!! So the house is coming along fine and we are starting to really love it!!
We are so close to our family reunion at the cabin and we couldn't be more excited!! We both need a break!! Terry works so hard all the time and he really deserves a break!!
We should be totally done with the house by the end of July and we couldn't be happier!! I will definitely post alot of pictures then!! I might have to break it up into a before post and an after post!! We have done so much!!!
We have alot to look forward to in this next month and a half and I cant wait to get going!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

♫"Nothin's Sweeter Than Summertime!"♪

I have a confession...I am addicted to summer!!!
I have another confession...I stink at this blog thing!!! I am sorry!!!!
I had so many great intentions of posting so so so many things!!!
Oh well....lets make up for it shall we?
Summer so far had rocked!! I love it!!! We are moving quickly on the house now that we have some time and energy. (By the way, I feel like myself once again!! I am not sure who was possessing my body for the past 2ish years, but it was not me!!! Sorry if you had to endure that!! I never knew just how much that small little gallbladder was affecting me. I wish i would have taken it out years ago!!! :) Anyways, it has been a full 360!) We are doing great! We ripped up carpet on monday...which totally sucks....I feel so bad for those that do that for a living! Wood floors are coming along quickly!! Want a sneak peek? I thought so!

This is our hallway. We are also doing the back 2 bedrooms. YAY!! It looks so much better then I ever thought it would!! We are doing alot to our little home and I can't wait to be finished!!!
Also, I totally missed our 1st Anniversary! We had a blast!! I was feeling pretty good by that point after my surgery and we had a wonderful time at the happiest place on earth! It was a great week and a wonderful break. Maybe I will post some pictures later. We made it through the semester....barely!! I thought it was gonna eat me alive with everything that was going on. We have had some awesome times with family and friends and we really enjoyed it. We start summer school in about a week and a half. Oh dear!
We also had a very cool experience of seeing a baby born...well I did. Very Cool!!! My best bud...well she really is more like a sister....had her baby recently. She is beautiful! I love her!! Rylynn Storm. Chelsea is a wonderful mama! We have been able to spend lots of time with then and help out. I loved it! Now they are away for the summer and I miss them something fierce!
Let me just say thank you to all those around us having wonderful little babies!! And for letting us enjoy them!! You are giving us the opportunity to enjoy them without having one until I finish school!! YAY!!!
Also, my wonderful husband and I have been saving up for quite a while so that we could indulge a little passion of mine. I love taking pictures!! He got me a professional camera!! I LOVE IT!!! I have taken some really fun pictures. I even got to have a little photo session with that adorable baby!!! Wanna see? Thought so!
So for now I am taking pictures of whatever and whomever I can!! Let me know if you want some done!! Its a fun talent that I am learning to cultivate.
Ok I promise to be better at keeping this up but for now I have work to do!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Forward!

Oh my goodness....I am the worst blogging slacker ever!!! When I realized that the last post was before christmas I about died!!! My sincere apologies.

Christmas rocked!!! It was much needed family time and a wonderful break.
School Rocks! We both are really enjoying this semester.
The house I think is finally starting to make progress! The deck is finished....some carpet is replaced...some painting is done...and we have bought lots of new materials!!! Hopefully by summer!!! A whole new house.....
We are both starting to feel much better.
Ok....I know we need a better update than that!! So many of you know that I recently had surgery...2 weeks ago. About mid february I got really sick....strep throat and just general awfulness. It was about this time that I started to really feel this horrible pain in my abdomen and right under my right shoulder blade. I was so sick and it hurt so bad that Terry had to take me too the Emergency room. The told me that I had gall stones and that my gallbladder was a little inflammed. GREAT!!! This meant that I needed surgery. I was not a happy camper!!! They sent us home. I go to my regular doctor the next day and she gives me meds to cure my infection so that I can schedule surgery....slowly feeling better. A week later I met with my surgeon, who also happened to be my mom's surgeon!! I happened to get lucky and caught a cancelation for 2 days later!!!! So the 25th was the magical day! I am super nervous and excited all the same. I now know that I have been feeling the effects from these stones for about a year. I was ready to rid myself of this painful little organ. So we go in at DARK:30 for surgery. Terry was so great!! I was shakin in my boots!!! Shortly after we got there, I got really nosey and decided to look over my charts. I saw that my anesthesiologist that was scheduled was my bishop~!! All the sudden all my cares were gone!! So So So grateful for the preisthood!!! Anyways, the time came and I kissed my hubby and they wheeled me away. I met my surgical team(which were awesome) and laughed because they were playing AC/DC in the srugery room! They prepped me and put me to sleep. The next thing I remeber is waking up in a very dark room all alone and I could not move. All I could do was moan!!! This small chinese nurse came over and started bossing me around...it was all very funny considering I was still coming out of anesthesia! Anyways, shortly after my hubby and my mama came in. Thank goodness for these two amazing people in my life. I couldn't have done it without either of them. Anyways. they got me up...which was the worst ever!!! This was the first moment that I realized how much my abdomen hurt!! 5 incisions later and your ab muscles get crazy sore! Anyways, i got to go home which was great! I spent a great deal of that day walking around (trying to keep away the blood clots) and sleeping in a chair (because it hurt too bad to lay down). When they do this surgery, they have to pump you full of gas in order to see everything and move around in there. Anyways, some of the gas stays trapped in your body and it is horrible painful!!! Long story short, my mom taught me all the good ways to move and she cleaned my house and cooked....and made me laugh...which was harder than I ever thought it would be!! She was a god send!! I spent the next week trying to push my limits and recover sooner! Go figure!
I am doing really well now! My inicisions are healing well and i am back down to normal size! I can do everything except bend in half and pick up heavy things....and physical activity (besides walking). Thingd look like they are finally getting bck to normal. I already feel SO much better...havent felt this good in like a year!

Speaking of a year...we are rapidly approaching our 1st anniversary! WOW!! That means that we have almost been together for 3 years!! My, how time flies!! Oh how I love that man!!

This brings us to the last very exciting update!

In just one week, we will be packing up and hitting the road for spring break! Where are we going?
I know!! Awesome right? We have been planning for this for about 6 months and my surgeon says I will be fine to go by then! YAY!!! We are going for three days, and then will head to San Diego to go to the Temple. We are super excited. Cant wait! Cali here we come!!!