Sunday, January 25, 2009

His Story.....

Born on November 1, 1988 to Mary and Charles Hester........
Terrance Lewis Denver Hester.
I grew up in Alamogordo, NM where my mom taught school and my dad worked for the Air Force and ran his own company. I was a very active kid and loved to play sports. I always had a soccerball or something to play with! I have been involved in every sport from swimming to football. Sports was basically my life! In school, in participated in Science Fair and became very interested in the medical field. In high school, my favorite classes were my medical classes. I had great friends and we loved the outdoors. My senior year, I waited until the last minute to decide which school to go to......turns out....UNM it is!!!!
A small town boy, encounters a really big town and a really big school!!!! I was going to school for an Athletic Training Degree and I loved it. Well......I liked being on the feild and in the training room.....the classroom....not so much!!! :)
It was christmas break of my first year when I went home and made some BIG changes!!! The first one was.... I CUT MY HAIR!!! EEK!!!!! All 10 inches!!!! The second was....I was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It wasn't too long after returning to UNM that I met Meilea.......

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