No I am not pregnant!!!!
This is just the HUGE change that the lord has prepared for me. I have wanted to be a physical therapist since I was a sophomore in High School. Up until 2 days ago I thought that this was my plan. Have you ever heard that saying, "If you want to make God laugh tell him your plans"? Well I think that this is quickly becoming my life's motto!!!
I found out 2 days ago that my PT program that I was supposed to start in January has just lost it's accreditation. BUMMER!!!! The next closest program that is fully accredited is in Albuquerque. So I had 2 options, I could wait around until Terry finished his degree and we can move back to ABQ (YAY!!!!), or I could find something else that I would like to do with my life and finally get back to work!!! Those who know me best know that the first option...really is not an option!!! I have been going crazy being out of school and stagnant for this long!!! I HATE IT!!! So I started looking around and I think I have found something that I could be really good at!!! It is right here in Las Cruces, which is great because then I do not have to commute. It is Diagnostic Sonography. There are so many applications in this field!!! (including the most obvious application of ultrasounds) And I cant start right away in January! I am so excited to get back into the swing of things!!! After I decided to buck up and take it like a man (well.....kinda), I decided that this might be a really good thing for me, and my hubby. It has opened up so many opportunities!!!
1. I get to be home A LOT more!!! I automatically knocked off 2 hours a day for my commute! And I could get a part-time job and help with the income.
2. I can still get both degrees!! I can finish this one here while terry finishes and when we move back to ABQ I can get my PT degree!! Especially since there are applications in PT for sonography!! I will be pulling double duty!!!
3. I have great earning potential!! It starts out at about 50k a year!! :)
4. There are no Birth defect complications!!! With the PT program, I had the possibility of some pretty bad birth defects because of some of the medicines and disinfectants that we would use. Even though we are not planning on any kiddos anytime soon....It is nice to know that if it does happen, they wont have 3 heads!!!!
I am slowly starting to accept and become excited about our new opportunities. I really think it will be a good change for the both of us!
Everything else is pretty calm for now!! The house is about to change very drastically!!! Our goal is to have everything painted, flooring replaced, and the deck built (and possibly the bed) by Terry's birthday. (November 1st) Hopefully we will hit that mark!! We are very excited and cant wait to be done!!!
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